Tag Archives: Hampton Court Palace

The road to Claygate

I have often driven up the A3 towards the turnoff to Kingston and wondered where the road that runs parallel to the A3 goes to.  So today, with a four hour walk planned, I decided to find out.

I walked up the river from Ham to Kingston and then up the Surbiton Hill and out towards the Ace-of-Spades roundabout which is the where you turn on to the A3 and just before the roundabout I headed down the mystery road.

Early morning beside the Thames heading towards Kingston
Early morning beside the Thames heading towards Kingston
The road to Claygate
The road to Claygate

It turns out that the road goes to Claygate which is a town that I hadn’t been to before.

Welcome to Claygate
Welcome to Claygate

After solving the mystery of where the road went to I continued exploring and followed various roads and trails to eventually hit the Thames at Molesey and then followed the Thames back home taking a few more photos along the way.

Sign on farm fence
This made me laugh – this sign is on a fence with a rugby field behind it, but there wasn’t a pub anywhere to be seen
Back on to the Thames heading down river from Molesey
Back on to the Thames heading down river from Molesey
The Thames
My favourite photo from today
Hampton Court Palace - the former home of King Henry the VIII
Hampton Court Palace – the former home of King Henry the VIII
Kingston Bridge
Looking down-river towards the Kingston Bridge
Sailing boats on the Thames
Sailing boats on the Thames down-river from Kingston

In total I covered 21 miles today in 4 hours 11 minutes.  A faster pace than yesterday and I didn’t slow in the later stages like I did yesterday which was pleasing.

Todays map
Today’s map

With 50 miles for the weekend I am feeling much better about my fitness and am planning on starting training back at Battersea Park with the Belgrave Harriers walkers on Tuesday night.

The plan is to try and walk Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights after work and do two long walks in the weekends for the next two weeks before a two week taper leading into the 24 hour race in four weeks time.