My wife asked me this morning (at 5am) where I was going for parkrun today.
I couldn’t remember and replied that it was somewhere past Feltham – a small understatement!
It was Upton Court parkrun that I was heading to – a 3 hour, 15 mile walk there followed by a 4 1/4 hour, 21 mile walk home.

I had decided to run Upton Court parkrun today as it was the closed parkrun to where I live that I hadn’t run previously.
I left home just before 6am which meant that I would have to walk a good pace without getting lost in order to get to parkrun before the 9am start, and covered the 15 miles in 2 hours and 52 minutes. In order to stay on track I used Google Maps on my cellphone to give me directions and arrived at Upton Court Park with 15 minutes to spare.
After parkrun I decided to take a different route home, intending to walk around the southern side of the Stains Reservoirs, but ended up missing a turnoff and walking around the top of the reservoirs instead.
I did get the opportunity though to walk up onto a walkway that goes between two of the reservoirs and took a few photos, but as the walkway was going in the opposite direction to home I decided not to take the walkway, and saved it for another day.

And on the way home I walked through Bushy Park and couldn’t resist taking some more photos of the deer: