February was a quiet month relatively speaking. I got sick at the end of January and ended up taking three weeks off training from the 24th January through to the 12th February inclusive.
In the final two weeks of the month I completed 9 walks ranging from 5km to 40km, and now feel that I am almost back to full fitness.
I was originally planning on doing the Bourges 24 hour race in France this coming weekend, but cancelled those plans when I got sick so as to not put pressure on myself to get back to training until I was ready. I’m glad I made that decision, and although I feel that I could complete a 24 hour race next weekend, I don’t think I could give it 100%.
So instead, the plan is to do a high mileage month in March including a back to back weekend mid month and a 10 to 12 hour walk at the end of March.
Total mileage for February: 154km (96 miles)
Year To Date: 507km (315 miles)