Upcoming Events

race-walking-animated-gifMy planned races for 2024 include:
  • 24-25 August
    UK Centurions 100 mile race
    A possible attempt at the NZ M55 and overall 100 mile and 24 hour track records.
  • 4-6 October
    Royan 48 hour race
    My aim will be to walk a PB – I walked 278km at Royan in 2018, but the main focus is to walk a strong second day in training for next year’s six-day race

My only planned race for 2025 at this stage is the 6 Jours de France in May.  This will be my attempt at breaking the racewalking world record.


My Bucket List:

These are races that I would like to do one day (finances permitting):

  • Paris to London (I hope to do this for charity at some stage)
  • Comrades marathon in South Africa
  • Badwater 135 – From the lowest point to the highest point in continental USA
  • The remaining centurions races (USA, Australia, South Africa)
  • Jogle (John o’Groats to Land’s End – 850 miles)
  • Length of New Zealand (1,000 miles)
  • Across the USA (3000+ miles)
  • Swedish Fotrally (walk non-stop until you are the last man standing!)
  • Probably many other events too!

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